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Juxtaposed tension: water, decay, buildout


Video, 3 mins 32 secs


This non-place juxtaposes two spaces: the Tuen Mun River in Hong Kong—polluted yet still with some fishes and perhaps other organisms—and the infrastructure of the MTR (Mass Transit Railway), which is one of the major forms of public transportation in Hong Kong.


In this non-place, the sound from different sources—the flowing water, the chirping birds, the passing train, and nearby moving vehicles—echoes the juxtaposition of various incompatible spaces.


T​he appealing visual composition of the human-made structure versus the ruined, exploited and decaying nature is also a scene of contradictions and tension.


The visual structure—cold, concrete pillars that go beyond the vanishing point—echoes the mentality of nature being dispensable for the further urbanization of an originally rural area.



視覺上也充滿了張力與茅盾,如水倒影空間上的不公義。 吸引視線的構圖與腐朽的自然元素;可分割的視覺結構呼應著自然可為發展而犧牲的想法,都一一透過那冰冷的柱結構呈現。

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