Night scene photo exchange
Participatory project
View Hong Kong photos by various participants:
View Yerevan photos by Teresa Leung and Ara Petrosyan:
This Night Scene Photo Exchange is inspired by the darkness at night I experienced and I’m so fond of here in the Armenian capital city Yerevan.
This project is also an extension of the work (video documentation’s shown in the same exhibition here) in which I walked in darkness (without any outdoor light source) from the gate of the artist-in-residence site to the artists’ apartment in Bangladesh (the Malatia-Sebastia district in Yerevan).
While I kept practicing and improved my walking speed on that path in darkness, I realized that I didn’t have any photo of Hong Kong at night (To view documentation of the result of that practice: click here).
A picture speaks a thousand words. That’d be handy when I am asked why I’m excited about darkness at night here. As a result, I started to collect Hong Kong night scene pictures through photo exchange.
For every photo contributed, a Hong Kong photographer can pick one photo of Yerevan.
Every photo in this project was exhibited in August 2014 in the Yerevan Modern Art Museum with every contributor acknowledged.
觀看由阿砂與 Ara Petrosyan在葉里溫所拍的照片:
在香港生活,未曾在市區經驗過黑喑,所以在駐場計劃的住處頭幾個晚上,要在沒有照明底下,從閘口在滿佈石頭的路上步行至下榻之處 (途中有梯級及其他物件),亦曾擔心過失足跌倒,會用電話作照明之用。
雖然明白自已的反應,但也對此好奇。人的眼睛能在不同的光喑處景看見週遭的情況,所以我開始嘗試讓它們引路,不用電話照明。現在,電話就成了我行這段路的計時器,比較日間與晚上步行速度的差別 (觀看相關録像記録點擊此處)。
對我來說,這是一個對長久活於高度都市化地方經驗的反思。 在香港,黑喑是危險的代號,晚上有甚多的街燈。此外,還有商戶的霓虹燈、強烈的射燈、及商業大廈裡永不關掉的燈,造成光污染、難以入睡及能源浪費的問題。